Project Settings overview

Updated by Rob Martin

Project Settings is a way that users can quickly populate various fields on the Project Info and Pricing tabs of a project. This might be based on a specific client, or because the user finds they are always filling in fields the same with every estimate.

Creating Project Settings

  1. Navigate to Preferences > Project Settings.
  2. Click the Project Settings dropdown and click +Add.
  3. Name your Project Setting and click SAVE.
  4. If you would like this Project Setting to always be automatically applied whenever you create a new project, check the Default box.
    Project Settings are visible and available to all users in your XactPRM instance, however checking the Default box will only make the Project Setting default for your user.

In the remaining dropdowns that show on the page, select the various settings you would like to have filled in whenever this Project Setting is applied.

If you create estimates for certain Nationals or Regional Field Servicers who pay for your use of XactPRM, some fields will be locked down for individual estimates. In these cases the profile settings trump Project Settings.

Modifying existing Project Settings

  1. Navigate to Preferences > Project Settings.
  2. Click the Project Settings dropdown and select the Project Setting you would like to modify.
  3. If you would like this Project Setting to always be automatically applied whenever you create a new project, check the Default box.
    Project Settings are visible and available to all users in your XactPRM instance, however checking the Default box will only make the Project Setting default for your user.
  4. In the remaining dropdowns that show on the page, select the various settings you would like to have filled in whenever this Project Setting is applied.
    If you create estimates for certain Nationals or Regional Field Servicers who pay for your use of XactPRM, some fields will be locked down for individual estimates. In these cases the profile settings trump Project Settings.

Applying a Project Setting to a project

  1. Within a project, navigate to the Project Info page.
  2. In the Estimate Details card, open the Project Settings dropdown and select the Project Setting that you would like to apply.
    When applying a Project Setting to a project in a profile that is owned by a National or Regional Field Servicer, only those fields that are not locked down by the profile owner will be modified by the Project Setting.

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